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Championing Female Equality in the Workplace

Mar 08, 2024
2 min read

As people come together today to celebrate International Women's Day, I reflect on the progress made and the challenges that still lie ahead in the journey towards gender inclusion. At Xactly, we continue to be champions for a culture where women are truly supported and enabled to succeed and thrive. Here’s a look into the strategies and initiatives we employ to break barriers, empower women, and create an environment that fosters inclusivity.

Empowering Choices and Supporting Transitions

The fact is that with the pandemic women leaving the professional workforce increased at an alarming rate. Part of the reasons are due to family and household demands culturally continuing to fall more heavily on women. So what does that mean for companies such as Xactly? It means we deliberately strive to offer flexibility in benefits, policies, and environment to help women and families bring their best selves to their home and work lives.

Ensuring Diversity in Hiring

At Xactly, we recognize the impact gender diversity has within a workforce. However, it takes calculated effort to ensure we bypass unintentional biases. For example, we have previously required that there be female and diverse candidates in the interview process for all Director and above roles and we are now expanding that to roles at all levels. This intentional initiative not only amplifies the representation of women in traditionally male-dominated departments but also cultivates an environment where diverse talent and potential can be seen. In addition, we have gone a step further to require that there be at least one female and diverse employee in all interview teams.

A Celebration of Inclusion

Xactly has a rich diversity of employees, and respect and appreciation of that diversity are core to our culture. We simply do not tolerate unsupportive behaviors and/or overt or microaggressions with colleagues, partners, customers, or the community.

In celebration of International Women's History Month, Xactly hosts an annual internal training campaign that celebrates the voices and stories of the remarkable women within our workforce. This year’s theme is inclusion, where through a series of workshops and mentorship programs, we provide a platform for women to connect, collaborate, and inspire one another toward greater achievements.

Supporting Women in their Career Journey

Research shows the countless benefits of women in leadership roles, including enhanced decision-making, improved problem-solving capabilities, and increased innovation. At Xactly, we embrace the value of gender-diverse leadership and actively support the rise of women to pivotal roles, recognizing the contributions they make to our overall success. In support of this, I am proud to share:

  • 33% of Xactly leadership are women, above the average 27% in tech.
  • In the last year, over 36% of our women were promoted and even more were recipients of rotational or training opportunities to support their growth and development.
  • In the last 3 years, we have promoted 35% of our women.

The work is not done when it comes to supporting gender equality and inclusion. e It is important that with intention we continue to carve out sustainable improvements for the current and future women in the workforce. I encourage you to join us in supporting gender equality and advocating for a work environment that values and uplifts every individual.

  • Culture
  • Human Resources
Megan Ackerson
Chief Human Resource Officer

Megan is a mission-driven change agent with over 20 years of experience in HR business partnership, guiding global transformation initiatives, cross-functional operational model and process design, and leading HR M&A tracks from due diligence through integration.